Friday, August 26, 2011


Today I'm moving slow. Really slow. Most days by this time I've picked up my house, worked out and then I sit down to write. Today is a different story. My house is in shambles, I'm still in my p.j.'s and I'm wondering what I could possibly write about today. I'm kinda feeling funky, and not the good, disco kind of funky.

I know that one of the things I've struggled with in my life is balance. I'm usually more of an all or nothing kind of girl. This is great a lot of the time, but at others it's not so great. I'm finding that the more I do the all or nothing thing, the less I feel at peace. It's important for me to do those things that I want, when I want to and also to remember that I've got to be me when whatever that thing is is over.

Here's the other thing I just realized. I'm kind of irritated with me for not being 'on' today. And of course when I'm irritated, I feel bad, and being irritated with me I feel even worse, which lends itself to feeling even funkier, and on and on it goes until I'm stuck in bed all day because I feel so bad about it all. I've done this before. So, I'm pretty excited to know that part of feeling bad is just that I'm feeling bad about me. And when I look at that and realize it's just for now, it's just an experience and it doesn't have to last forever, I already start to feel better! It's a miracle!

The key here for me is knowing that each day can be different, and I can be different each day. That's honoring who I am and how I feel. And I'm the one teaching others how to treat me by the way I treat myself. If I act like I always have to be the same, it's kind of silly for me to be upset if someone else says I can never change. WOW! This is such a great lesson for me to have today - I am so grateful to see it this way.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. Mentally, I'm at a place where I can see how I can move through my day and get things accomplished (which is quite different from about 20 minutes ago). I also know that I may not do all the same things I do most other days and it's okay. I will live and life on the planet will continue. How neat for me!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Were you popular in high school? I wasn't. Not even a little bit. I knew everyone, including the popular kids, and I was friendly with everyone, but I wasn't in the "in" crowd.

I did have some very good, close friends that I spent most of my time with. We'd shop, got to movies, hang out. I always had people to spend my time with. The thing that I know about me though, is that those people change periodically. I'm still facebook friends with my closest friends from high school, but that's it really.

The reason I bring this up is that I was talking with a friend yesterday and he was sharing that a lot of relationships seem to be falling out of his life. And this concerned him. I thought to myself, he's more like my sisters - who still talk with their best friends from 4th grade, on a fairly regular basis.

For whatever reason, this hasn't been the types of relationships I've built. I will say however, that in the last 5-6 years I've built more lasting relationships than ever before in my life. And maybe part of that is that I finally have a better sense of who I am.

I think that's part of what occurs in marriages where the couple divorces. As life moves forward, people change in different ways, and if they are changing in ways that push them away from each other, it's difficult, if not impossible for the relationship to survive. And that's what I feel happened all those years with my friendships. I was changing in different ways and the people in the relationships with me were changing in other ways, or not changing, so the relationship just fell to the wayside. After a time, I just realized that was how my life was and it was okay for me.

I want to share now that I love all my friends, old and new, talking to them and not talking to them. I just feel like things are so fluid in life and my job is to figure out how to go with the flow. And if the flow I'm in doesn't work for me, I get to find a different flow (sometimes that means different friends).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I had neglected to trust myself this morning and blog right when I got on the computer. Instead, I checked all my email accounts, went on Facebook and checked out every one's status...So when I finally got here to blog, I had no idea what to write.

I wrote about that, which lead to another idea and another. I was feeling really good about all the stuff I was writing today and then I lost it all! My hope that it was just hidden in another window was merely a dream.

So, now I start again...

Okay, I just remembered that I'd promised to tell you how the "love everyone" thing went for me yesterday. I felt pretty good about it most of the day. The evening was a different story. At the end of the day I rate myself for the whole day: 1 - poor, 2 - good, 3 - very good, 4 - excellent. If I'd rated myself at 3:30 in the afternoon it would have been a 3, close to a 3.5. Then homework hit...At homework time I'm thinking about dinner, the hubby coming home from work, anything else going on that night and so my attention is not centered on one thing. I'm kind of a little spastic, actually. And my son, who requires the most attention at homework time, doesn't do well with a spastic mom, even though I really want him to just get past that. So, at the end of the day, I gave myself a 2 and realized that homework time has to be a time that I am calm, peaceful and centered on one thing - homework. This teaches my son that in that moment he's more important than dinner, his dad coming home from work or whatever else might be going on that night. And I know that is so important for him to know - that reaffirms his self-worth so he knows the world is safe and he can trust himself.

So, I guess that was what this whole thing was about this morning. I trust me which teaches my son to trust himself.

Monday, August 22, 2011


My oldest son started 7th grade today. Last week I went with him to "Back to School" night. We went to all his classes, met his teachers briefly and got to see the school a bit. One of the things I remembered was from his English class (which is actually called Language Arts - why do they have to rename everything?). I'm assuming that they do some amount of journaling in class because on the wall was a large poster about it. One of the things it said is to start writing about the prompt for the day and if they run out of things to write, then write about how funny it is to not have anything to write, until another idea comes to them.

I kind of feel like that today. Isn't it funny that I don't know what to write? How crazy would it be if this entire post was just about me not knowing what I should talk about today? I bet that anyone reading this would think that I just shouldn't bother writing anything if I don't have anything good to say....

Okay, that was great because now I have something to write about!

Did your mother ever tell you "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything,"? I'm sure some adult figure in my life told me that - I'm not positive it was my mom, though. How many of us still follow that advice? From my life experience - I'd say not many of us. So much of communication is gripping, whining and complaining about one thing or another.

I'm reading this book, The Greatest Secret in the World, and a portion of it directs me to start my day reading a section from the book to remind me what I'm focusing my attention on that day. Then at the end of the day, I review my actions to see how I did for the day. Today the section that I read talked a little about this exact thing. It said something to the effect of if I want to complain - hold my tongue and instead focus on what I love (or at least like). I wonder how many conversations would not even happen if everyone did this for just one hour.

I'm actually really excited about this opportunity. I feel like I'm generally a happy person so it will be interesting for me to focus today and see how I really behave. I'll let you know tomorrow what the day looked like.

Now, back to my title today...I put that in there hoping for some inspiration. Most of the time, just getting inspiration isn't enough, we've got to act on it. And sometimes, like today, it's important to start taking action before the inspiration hits - or hits completely.

I've had partial ideas from time to time and if I just waited until I knew exactly how everything was going to work out I wouldn't have gotten anything done. And in fact, I've done that exact thing a time or two. I don't ever feel good about those experiences though. I look at those and kind of want to kick my own butt for not doing something. I don't think that's a whole lot different than complaining though. I may not be saying it out loud, but I'm sure gripping in my head! So, instead, I can use those experiences as motivators, knowing that I don't like that feeling so I better do something different.

I like the way that feels 'use it as a motivator' - so much happier and exciting! More like the life I want to live.

Friday, August 19, 2011


This is some background information that will come in handy today: My daughter (2 1/2 yrs. old) LOVES school buses! Seriously. When we see one, she starts jumping up and down as much as she can while strapped into her car seat.

Today this might be disjointed, these are the feelings I've been having, so I'm going to share them...

This morning I sent my oldest son off to middle school for the first time. Today isn't the first day of school, he's got 7th grade orientation (kinda makes mama relieved to know he has a dry run before all the older kids are clogging up the halls). So, before it was bright, and it was for sure early, I walked with him to the bus stop. He's so mature and such a neat young man! I realized just how proud I am to be his mother. So, this being the technology age, I sent him a text telling him just that.

My sweet little girl also goes to school (a.k.a. daycare). Today she picked out her boots to wear - cause they're just the right size (she said) and her jacket. I suggested that we take her flip flops too, in case she wants to wear them later, so we put everything into her 'packpack' to bring. She was so proud walking out to the car - in her outfit she picked and her 'packpack' for school.

As we were driving I remembered that once school starts, there are buses all over the place. I said "Honey, on Monday we're going to see lots of school buses." Her response was adorable: "NICE, Mom! Give me high five!" And she held her hand up - ready to receive five.

This is the part of motherhood that I completely love. I love seeing my children grow, develop, become who they want to be. I know some parents don't like to see their kids grow up, but I think that's why I wanted to be a mother - so I could know that through my love, attention and guidance I was nurturing a child into an adult. I am truly building tomorrow today, in my children. And my children are great!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


A man is walking in the woods, surrounded by thick trees, dense brush and limited sunlight filtering through the trees. He walks and walks with the scenery changing seemingly little on his path. The path ahead is filled with more trees and brush, just as the path he came from.

Another man is walking in an open meadow. The trees are behind him and he enjoys the sun warming his skin as he progresses. He can see much of the path ahead, yet the path is long and he can't see the end from this place.

A third man is standing high on the summit of a mountain. As he looks down he can see the thick trees at the base of the mountain and remembers how thick the trees were as he started his journey. As his gaze scans the mountain, he sees the open meadow and recalls the joy of feeling the sun as he continued his journey, finally out of the trees that so limited his sight. Now at the summit, he can see not only the mountain, but all that lies around the peak. The other mountains, valleys, towns and cities he can survey and knows that there is so much more to see and discover.

All three of these men are on the same mountain, but each sees something different because of where he's at. What's interesting is that even if there were six men climbing the mountain, two in each group, they would all see something different because of where they are standing.

That's the way our lives are - we see things from the place that we are standing, and sometimes it's difficult to see anything else. This is completely natural, I believe. However, this can create challenges in our lives because we live with other people. I've experienced this most in my closest relationships because I had this idea that since we are so important to one another we would be willing/able to put ourselves in the other persons shoes. (Sometimes, I think I'm so silly!)

What I just came to know is that it's so important for me to allow myself and others to have our own experiences and to love and honor all of the experiences. When I wanted someone else to see what I saw I wasn't honoring their experience - I was thinking that it was more important for them to see mine. Other times I thought that my experience was somehow wrong and I needed to change to see what the other person saw. The truth is, all of it is beautiful and amazing.

Think back to the three men on the mountain. Have you ever been surrounded by trees and brush? Can you recall how lovely nature is in that moment? Now, the open meadow, with the sun shining down - how amazing is that view? Next, see the view from the summit of the mountain - does it feel like you can see the whole world? No one would ever doubt the beauty of these places, yet with those in our lives, we do it all the time.

So, how do I remind myself that it's just perspective and that all the views are lovely? Do I find pictures to hang in my home? Or is it possible that as I look inside of me for peace that I will simply remember the truth - everything is beautiful!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Have you ever felt stuck? Like you can't move out of whatever it is you're feeling or doing...This morning I was feeling stuck in a mood. Not really a bad mood, but definitely stuck. So, I spent some time going over everything that had happened that morning - who I talked to, what we said, what I thought about what we said, etc. What I realized is none of that really mattered. I don't feel like it really had anything to do with how I was feeling and I just needed to get over it.

Getting over it is something that's been somewhat challenging to me. I'm a staunch believer in the "fake it til you make it" mentality, but I've always kind of loved to hold on to 'things'. It was almost like the 'things' were a badge of honor for me to wear around, telling people how good I was because I was happy or fit or kind or fill in the blank, even though I had the 'things' to deal with. If I had something I was holding onto, I would push my way through the day because I'm so 'strong'. I think I wanted to know more than anyone else that I was strong. The real truth is that the strength it takes to let go of things is far more impressive than pushing through while holding on to the stuff.

So, back to this morning...I sat there for a few minutes and mentally centered myself. I released whatever it was that was causing the funk (those are truly the words I used) and allowed myself to get clear of all that energy. It worked. I felt better, more energetic and excited about what the day had in store for me.

Now, I get to 'clean house' on some of the more permanent 'stuff'' I've been carrying around in my life. I think the challenge here is that it's been around so long I've almost forgotten that it was there. And it's kind of comfortable to have that there - I know it and it knows me. We're old friends...However, I do believe that sometimes we outgrow friendships and this is one that I'm ready to let go of.