Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Have you ever felt stuck? Like you can't move out of whatever it is you're feeling or doing...This morning I was feeling stuck in a mood. Not really a bad mood, but definitely stuck. So, I spent some time going over everything that had happened that morning - who I talked to, what we said, what I thought about what we said, etc. What I realized is none of that really mattered. I don't feel like it really had anything to do with how I was feeling and I just needed to get over it.

Getting over it is something that's been somewhat challenging to me. I'm a staunch believer in the "fake it til you make it" mentality, but I've always kind of loved to hold on to 'things'. It was almost like the 'things' were a badge of honor for me to wear around, telling people how good I was because I was happy or fit or kind or fill in the blank, even though I had the 'things' to deal with. If I had something I was holding onto, I would push my way through the day because I'm so 'strong'. I think I wanted to know more than anyone else that I was strong. The real truth is that the strength it takes to let go of things is far more impressive than pushing through while holding on to the stuff.

So, back to this morning...I sat there for a few minutes and mentally centered myself. I released whatever it was that was causing the funk (those are truly the words I used) and allowed myself to get clear of all that energy. It worked. I felt better, more energetic and excited about what the day had in store for me.

Now, I get to 'clean house' on some of the more permanent 'stuff'' I've been carrying around in my life. I think the challenge here is that it's been around so long I've almost forgotten that it was there. And it's kind of comfortable to have that there - I know it and it knows me. We're old friends...However, I do believe that sometimes we outgrow friendships and this is one that I'm ready to let go of.

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