Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting What We Want

Isn't this the biggest dilemma in life? How do we get what it is we want? What do we have to do? Who do we have to be nice to? Where do we have to go? Many of us would give anything, do anything, just to know.

So, how do we figure it out? There are so many books, videos, lectures, seminars & the list goes on and on, that will tell you what someone else did to get what they wanted. The idea is that if we want what they wanted and do what they did then we'll somehow get what we want or at the very least what the other person got. Right? And that's good enough, right?

My issue with this plan is that all the times in my life that I've done that - it hasn't worked for me. I don't get what I want and I certainly haven't gotten what someone else got. Or maybe I did, but since it wasn't what I wanted, I didn't like having it!

Now, I sit here wondering how to get what I want. I think I should make a plan. It's important to write things out so I know if I'm on the right path - that's what all the books/videos/lectures/seminars say. But what if that's not how it works for me. What if my way is different? What if I'm my own kind of special? Just like everyone else is their own kind of special...

What if part of the reason it's important for me to find my own way is so that I can encourage others to trust themselves as they set out on their path - that's different. I can tell you that the idea of being different from everyone else can be scary at times and I would love to have someone say "It's okay. You don't have to do it like everyone else. I didn't and it worked out really great for me. I'm right here with you if you have any doubts, I've got your back and I KNOW you can do it!"

So, I think I am that person for me. I get to be my own cheerleader. Tell myself what a great job I'm doing and to keep up the good work. I get to remind myself of all the things I've already done. All the joy, peace, inspiration and blessings I've already brought into my life. I get to KNOW I can do it and keep trusting myself to make it happen in the perfect time.

One more thing I'd like to share is that more and more I'm finding that what I want is really inside of me. What I want more than anything is peace and joy. All the other stuff is extra. I like extras - I think they're great, just not necessary. And honestly, peace and joy aren't necessary to live, but it sure makes it so much more worthwhile.

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