Friday, August 19, 2011


This is some background information that will come in handy today: My daughter (2 1/2 yrs. old) LOVES school buses! Seriously. When we see one, she starts jumping up and down as much as she can while strapped into her car seat.

Today this might be disjointed, these are the feelings I've been having, so I'm going to share them...

This morning I sent my oldest son off to middle school for the first time. Today isn't the first day of school, he's got 7th grade orientation (kinda makes mama relieved to know he has a dry run before all the older kids are clogging up the halls). So, before it was bright, and it was for sure early, I walked with him to the bus stop. He's so mature and such a neat young man! I realized just how proud I am to be his mother. So, this being the technology age, I sent him a text telling him just that.

My sweet little girl also goes to school (a.k.a. daycare). Today she picked out her boots to wear - cause they're just the right size (she said) and her jacket. I suggested that we take her flip flops too, in case she wants to wear them later, so we put everything into her 'packpack' to bring. She was so proud walking out to the car - in her outfit she picked and her 'packpack' for school.

As we were driving I remembered that once school starts, there are buses all over the place. I said "Honey, on Monday we're going to see lots of school buses." Her response was adorable: "NICE, Mom! Give me high five!" And she held her hand up - ready to receive five.

This is the part of motherhood that I completely love. I love seeing my children grow, develop, become who they want to be. I know some parents don't like to see their kids grow up, but I think that's why I wanted to be a mother - so I could know that through my love, attention and guidance I was nurturing a child into an adult. I am truly building tomorrow today, in my children. And my children are great!

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