Monday, August 15, 2011


Truth is a big deal in life. We teach our children to always tell the truth. We want to know the truth, we search for truth and we believe that the truth will make us happy. I'm not sure about all the rest, but the part about the truth making us happy is a bunch of baloney! I'm certainly not saying to go out any lie to everyone in your life, or even anyone in your life. I'm simply stating that truth won't make anyone any happier than anything else will. The idea to be happy is one that comes from inside each one of us and it's up to each of us to decide if we are willing to be happy, no matter what is going on outside of us.

Another interesting thing about the truth is that it keeps showing up in our lives until we embrace it. I've had this experience a lot. I'll come across an idea and think "hey, that's really cool." Then I'll move on with my life, often times forgetting about the really cool thing, until someone else brings it up to me, or I read it in a book, hear it in a story someone shares with me or even a song I might hear. I know that when I'm ready for a truth it will come into my life so much that I almost have to embrace it. It's pretty cool!

Now, here's a truth I'm wondering about...can two people be madly, passionately, deeply in love their whole lives? I attended a wedding recently and those were some of the vows they couple said to one another. It was actually a promise to be madly, passionately and deeply in love for the rest of their lives. I sat there, looking at the couple, knowing how much they truly love one another and how much they meant it in that moment, but wondering if it's really possible to do that. I love my husband deeply, more deeply now than I ever have before. And I'm sure that as our lives progress, I will love him even more deeply. I just don't know about the madly and passionately part...Am I just a cynic? Am I looking for problems where none exist?

I'm sure that so much of the madly and passionately is my issue. I realized the other day that I have picked almost all of my relationships in life because they have taught me huge life lessons. Many of these lessons have been challenging and difficult at times. I also realized that I've walked away from relationships that would have been much easier, knowing that if I'm not being pushed, I might not choose to learn.

So, maybe my truth is that people can be madly, passionately and deeply in love their whole lives. Maybe I get to be open to finding that in me. As I am madly, passionately and deeply in love with myself, it becomes much easier to feel that way about another person as well. So, rather than find fault in me, I find the beauty in who I am. And maybe that's the truth for all of us - to find the beauty in who we are...

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