Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stuck in the Rut

Picture an old dirt road...trucks, tractors, cars and wagons have been traveling down this stretch of road for decades and you can clearly see the path they've always taken. There's grass and weeds growing up on the side of the road and even in the 'island'. The path the wheels have traveled in is smooth and deep. Now, picture what this road looks like in a heavy storm...the wells in the road are running over with fast flowing water, the rocks that are hidden during the sunny days are now causing the water to roll and boil.

Imagine how difficult it would be to go down that road and not follow the exact same path. Is it even possible? Wouldn't your vehicle at least fall onto the path a few times - no matter how cautious you were? Consider crossing this road during a storm...The path that is difficult in good weather is practically impassable during the torrent.

This is one of the opportunities I've had in my life. How do I get off the path that I've used for so long with the people I love in my life? How do we create a new path together, one that will allow each of us to be our best selves?

I believe that it takes unwavering commitment from all parties involved. Creating a new path can be difficult when the old path is so close and it's so easy to slip back into it. Especially during a storm.

So, I've tethered myself to the new path. I've placed stakes to mark the new road, put up a rail to guide me and I've even wrapped a rope around waist and tied it it tightly to the rail. I'm pleased with my progress and yet there are still times that the road gets slippery and I slide right back into the rolling waters. Now is the most important time to be clear on my commitment and what it will ultimately create in my life. This is the moment when I pull myself out of the swift flowing waters and return to the spot that I know will keep me a little bit drier, the spot that will guide me safely to my destination. This is the time to dig deep inside myself for the energy and determination to do whatever it takes to get what it is that I truly desire.

This is a life experience I'm currently in the middle of so there's no neat, clean way to tie this all up. I'm not sure the outcome of this story. I don't have the ability to look back on it now to see how perfectly it all turned out or how it has blessed my life by having this chance to learn and grow. I'm confident that as I continue in my path that I will be able to do all those things, but for now I am moving forward with faith in myself, my life and my ability to create my life in the best possible manner.

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